Monday, July 7, 2008

sunday and monday

sunday we had to get up earlier than any sane person would like to catch a bus to chichicastanengo for a massive marketplace thing. we had to get up at like 6. absurd, but we survived considering we didn´t get wasted the night before.

the market was massive and chaotic. there were booths and booths and booths of bags and textiles and bead jewelry and such. i got an anklet and anton got a shirt and a pair of shorts. the shirt is one for Gallo, the big local beer here. naturally.

we had a lunch and explored, had to catch a bus to lake aitlan at 2. the lake was filthy but had three volcanoes surrounding it. the little town we were in was pretty...just one main street lined with restaurants and booths and people forcing textils on you. we ended up buying a scarf of sorts for about $2 because the lady was so persistant. i have never tried harder to say no and failed. we found a hotel for about 10 dollars that the guy promised had "agua si agua caliente". there was no agua caliente. it was slightly above cold...but it was rather unpleasant. i guess you get what you pay for. at least in this one there was no dung water surounding the toilet and i didn´t spill beer all over the bed so it didn´t smell like shit. the extra two dollars over the antigua hotel really went a long way!

we went out last night and had fondue and wings, anton had 6 tacos for about $3...we drank beers and tequila and got pretty good and drunk. i called my parents which was sweet and anton called drew...we left and went home to pass the f out.

only to be awakened at like 7AM by the loudest push lawnmower EVER. like, it sounded like he was shoveling marbles and it was screeching and just terrible. neither of us were very pleased. we had to catch a bus at noon so we got ready and left around 10...took a shuttle back to antigua and had THE BEST breakfast-lunch-dinner so far....cappuccinos, argentina sausage for appetizer, 12 ounce steaks, fries, a salad bar with pasta, potatoes, different veggies...then tiramisu. it was 337 quetzales including gratuity. so.....45 dollars. hahahaa. so awesome.

now it´s computers and soon a 2 hour bus ride back to guatemala city followed by a TWELVE hour bus ride overnight to Flores, which is where the Tikal ruins are. we´re going to pop mad xanax and hopefully get some sleep...we´re taking the public bus so i imagine we´ll be stuffed in like sardines. should smell great.

on the plus side, antons diarrhea is finally slowing down. there were like 4 explosions yesterday. i have yet to diarrhea, but i also eat like half as much.

we´re going to spend 3-4 nights in Flores...we´re going to maybe pay like $15 dollars a night so we can avoid cold showers and the loudest lawnmower in the world. we´ll be so spoiled.

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