Saturday, July 5, 2008

it´s not always the best idea to black out the night before hiking a volcano.

last night was retardedly drunken. we took a mixture of soma and vicodin that feels pretty much the same as heroin but less intense and drank like 50 beers each. we made friends with a chic from seattle and a local dude whose name i don´t remember. i talked his ear off in spanish or at least tried to. i think i did alright.

we stumbled around and i whined about being hungry but was too lazy to do anything about it and then i blacked out.

i guess when we got back to the hotel i spilled beer or water on the bed (we were both too wasted to remember, naturally) and so anton had to take the sheets off and flip the mattress. needless to say i woke up naked and still wasted on a bare mattress at around 9AM...a pretty depressing site. we both forgot to brush our teeth or wash our faces and the combined bad breath in the morning was stuff of legends.

when i woke up i was in the really energetic still drunk pre-hangover zone and was very afraid of the coming hours...luckily i ended up feeling more or less okay. we did some travel agency junk, ate ham pizza from a street cart and got picked up for our volcano hike around 2:30. it was a little over an hour ride to the point where you hike...the hike was INTENSE. it was 3 kilometers like STRAIGHT UP a mountain. many breaks were required for us fat americans. the tour guide and the locals were laughing at us. there were a bunch of kids trying to sell sticks and dudes with horses saying 'taxi! taxi!' i imagine fat americans are their dream because they´re too lazy to walk up the mountain themselves. needless to say the trail had lots of taxi droppings to avoid.

the volcano was pretty sick. there was lava we could see and just tons of black rock and steam and such. i guess occassionally it spews debris and kills people, but the volcano was nice while we were up there. there was an odd abundance of stray dogs that i guess just live up there...very strange. we hiked back down, took our shuttle back, ate subway and are now here. we´re both pretty drinking tonight. just xanax, a shower in the dung water hotel, and bed. and tonight i´l remember to brush my teeth.


Donovan said...

bring me back some lava yo

Donovan said...

ALECIA! I thought of you today. This giant fatass (a FUPA if you will) came through the drive through eating a giant bucket of popcorn!

tyler said...

hiking is for the gays.