Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cartegena, Colombia


We finally made it to Colombia! And without incident, no bribe or onward ticket or anything necessary. Smooth sailing.

The flight was fine, they gave us a little snack box that had cheese and ham and fruit and stuff, it was pretty real.

Cartegena is hot, but not as humid as other places so it´s far more tolerable.

Interesting sites so far:

-Homeless dudes sharing a bottle of liquor and using mini plastic shotglasses to shoot with while laying / stumbling in the street.
-Booths that sell the use of a cell phone, 200 pesos (it´s between 1650 and 2000 pesos per dollar). First time we´ve seen that.
-Purchasing a gram of cocaine and actually have it look like a gram, not the 4-6 line baggies that were claimed as a gram elsewhere.

We are in the older area of Cartagena. It´s pretty cool, lots of bright colored buildings and narrow streets and colonial esqu architecture and such. Flying in was really cool because there is a little tail that sticks out with all these high rise buildings on it...that´s the newer part of the city. Here a couple pictures I found:

You can see the little tail in the bottom one. Our hotel is in the area right before the tail gets really skinny. It´s an alright place, the bathroom is called a water closet and it actually is one. It´s one small rectangle with a shower at the far end, the toilet right next to it, and the sink next to that. No division, just one little box. Pretty amusing.

The beaches here are pretty too, all white sand and such. Not as pretty as some of the other ones we´ve seen, but good.

I guess the nightlife here is crazy and late night. We´re probably going to get wasted tonight since we haven´t been wasted since last friday. And we have to try out our first taste of Colombian cocaine, ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

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