Sunday, August 17, 2008

Panama City and Pain.

Friday we both woke up sick. We had sore throats, i was mad upchucking, and we were both just exhausted and weak. Needless to say, we didnt do anything at all. Our fevers came and went all day...Anton braved the outdoors, as he was the slightly less sicker one, and brought back vitamins and water and bananas and such. Yesterday was slightly better, we ventured out for a couple hours and got some food and stuff, but still didnt feel very good. Yesterday in addition my back started killing me, as it is also today, so Ive been on Tramadol so Im able to move slightly. Thank god you dont need a prescription for that stuff here. I dont know what the deal is, but this is the worst its ever been. I´m going to have to get an MRI or something when I get back, it´s absurd. Without tramadol I basically cant move.

We just went and bought a sheet for 2.99 though, so I´m going to sleep on the hard floor tonight and hopefully that will help slightly. Our bed is terrible, it´s all saggy and thin and about the worst thing. Sighhhhhhhh. At least today my sore throat is almost gone and Anton is all better, he just about drowned me in water and vitamin C, various multi vitamins, fever reducers, etc. Just about anything one could think of. He´s a very good caretaker.

Anyways, enough complainin. I read an entire John Grisham book yesterday (the summons) and was not really that impressed. I don´t think lawyer books are for me.

I read abother book by Tim Dorsey (i think) called Florida Roadkill which was pretty funny. Anton was less impressed, but I think everything is funny so I liked it.

Next Im going to read the Killer Angels (which is about the civil war) which I picked up at a book exchange today.

The plan now is to go to see the canal tomorrow, take the train the next day, and then hopefully fly to Cartegena the day after that.

I don´t know much else considering we barely left our hotel room the last couple days.

I´m excited to get to Colombia, Bocas Del Toro was really cool but Panama City is kinda lame. There is a ton to do in a USA sense, and seeing Batman was cool, but the food sucks and it doesn´t really have a cool vibe. Just lots of drunks and homeless dudes undressing me with their eyes and fat chics and yeah...whatever.

I´m hungry for something other than fried chicken. We´ll see...

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