Tuesday, August 19, 2008

more panama city boohoohoooooooo

The back is fixed! Sleeping on cardboard does wonders it seems...

Everything is good to go now. We're both over our respective cruds at last. Now we just need to get out of this damn city...definitely not cool enough to warrant the week we've been here. Whatever, we're lazy.

Yesterday we went to see the canal, which was mad tight. I had vague ideas about how it worked but seeing it in real life was bomb diggity! We also went to an awesome seafood place and had clams, calimari, fish, and a spicy mixed seafood with boiled potatoes and drool...it was so good. Then we were lazy more. As we have been for the last few days. This kind of travel definitely agrees with me.

Today we were going to take the train to Colon but we got too lazy last night (we'd have to wake up at 4 or 5) and plus it's POURING fuckin rain today so it worked out i guess. Hopefully tomorrow. We're going to go get FOUR dollar footlongs soon...haha.. so sweet. It's kinda retarded because 6 inches are like 3.50 and footlongs are 4 dollars. I love subway!

I don't know anything else. We switched hotels (thank god) and our last one was the most destroyed yet. I extensively photographed it...the garbage piles, the bed off the frame covered in cardboard, etc.

The new hotel has good AC, hot water (REAL hot water, not the stupid electrical showerhead that electrocutes you), and a firm bed that doesn't destroy my back. And it's clean, no ants or anything! Oh, and an elevator and free internet! We're living like KINGS i tell you, KINGS!

I really want to drink, we haven't drank in like 4 or 5 nights due to illness. Last night we had one drink (I had a pineapple juice and vodka and anton had a watermelon juice and vodka (his was better)) and it left me wanting more. Owell.

Colombia in two days? Hopefully?

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