Saturday, August 30, 2008

Medellin, Colombia

We left the cool little beach town yesterday, it was kinda a shame because it was such a cute little town and everyone was really nice and there were like NO tourists there but we just didn´t have time to lollygag...we saw a GORGEOUS sunset Thursday night though, it was wild. Thursday morning we had breakfast in bed (we´d bought a bunch of hardboiled eggs and salt the night before, it was VERY fancy) and Thursday day we just explored around and read our books and enjoyed our air conditioned room...for dinner we found a place where we both ate soup, rice, potatoes, and meat and had two bottles of water and one iced tea for under 10 dollars! Mad sweet! Then, as per usual, we took my chicken bones and found the skinniest street dog to feed them too. The one this time was so bad, poor little guy.

After the sunset we took Xanax and passed the F out. Our hotel room was so dark and I was delirious so when I got up to pee (in the sweet toilet-seatless toilet) I ran into the wall and had to feel my way around the room. It reminded me of Trevors story from his Grandma´s but the difference is that I found the hole to the bathroom and he gave up and peed under the bed.


Yesterday we got on the 7AM bus to Medellin. It was 70,000 pesos! That´s a little under $40, which is BY FAR the most expensive bus we´ve taken. Plus it was FREEZING, but luckily the bus to the town had been cold too so we were prepared and brought jackets and wore long pants and shoes and such. We´d bought cans of tuna and nutri grain bars (odd find! first time I´d seen those, I was so excited..though they are a little different here, firmer or something) and had those to snack on and I finished another book and we drove through this GORGEOUS area that was huge canyons that were completely green and there were big white clouds laying in the bottom of them...I took like 20 pictures...It was through a window so most of them are ehhh (and none of them do it justice) but there are a few that are actually pretty good.

At one point I fell asleep and the malaria pills were fucking with me again and I dreamed that I was on the bus but the bus was different and it was an open aired top and the seats could fold down and there was this big group of kids tour grouping and we went down a waterfall and then on the bus I could close my eyes and hallucinate whatever I wanted (kinda like the night I took too much ecstasy and thought my eyes were open and Andrews socked feet flew away as doves made out of biscuits) so I was kinda dreaming within a dream and it was all fucked up and way too realistic. Fuckin WILD.

Also at one of our stops I saw these two little dogs that were so wrapped up in eachother they were both half on top of the other one snoozing away. It was very cute. Like cats.

We got to Medellin around 7 (10 hour bus took 12 hours, naturally) and had to walk for frickin MILES and MILES with our bags up and down hilly streets and finally found a hostel. We share a bathroom with one other dude but it´s okay...It´s a dorm room with two sets of bunk beds but we pushed them together and so long as the hostel doesn´t fill up we can have it again tonight as a pseudo private room, since
we don´t really want to share. If it fills up though we might have to switch, which would be annoying. This is probably one of my favorite places we´ve stayed, it has a little Mini Dauschsan (however that´s spelled) running around and free internet and a fully equipped´s nice. This morning we´re going to go to the store across the street and buy eggs and bacon and tomato and bread and make breakfast! First time cooking in a looonng time!

I think we´ll be here 2 more nights...seems like a cool city. Nightlife was pumpin last night when we went out, though we were more or less too tired to enjoy it much.

At one point this skinny dude in a suit and tie comes up and starts mumbling to us in Spanish and showing us a binder and we figure out he´s trying to get money for a CHURCH for street kids and we´re chilling eating a pizza and drinking beers and he´s like "Blah blah blah we need 100,000 pesos for landscaping...blah blah the Lord blah blah" or whatever and Anton is like "We don´t have much money, but do you want a beer?"

The guy stops and looks at us and shrugs and asks, "Can I have a piece of pizza too?"

Then he took said beer and said pizza and went across the street and inhaled it. It was so funny. We almost fell out of our chair, this suited up preacher man accepting beer off the street. I´d be tempted to say it was a con but I´m pretty sure it wasn´t.

There is a Pablo Escobar tour that we might do, other then that we don´t have many plans. There are lots of cute stores around here so I want to go shopping, even though I´m probably not allowed to buy anything, haha...maybe if I find a cute dress or something. Last night I had like 3 dreams where I was mad at Anton and they´re so damn realistic with the malaria shit that I woke up this morning and it took a few minutes to remind myself that he wasn´t in trouble. I´m cracked out, man.

Oh, I guess also in interesting news Colombia is considered one of the plastic surgery capitals of the WORLD, just behind Brazil. I believe it too, a lot of people here have that creepyish perfection that only comes from collagen injections and too much botox. I guess even lots of guys get butt implants here. If I was on a date with someone and they told me they had butt implants I would politely excuse myself to go to the bathroom and then climb out that fuckers window and run, run, run, and never look back. WHAT THE FUCK.

Time for breakfast.

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