Monday, September 15, 2008

Last of Quito

The futbol game yesterday was good fuckin´ times. It wasn´t international, two teams from Ecuador played, but people still went ape-shit and screamed and jumped up and down for hours and such. We drank big beers for $1.50 (bit different than stadiums in the states). We had to use ice because they were warm but that´s kinda the program in Ecuador, they like their beers and sodas and such warm. Whatever, we´ve managed.

We took a 25 cent bus ride back to our area (the cab ride out was $8, slight savings) and ate some pizza and drank more beers and chilled. Another determined child set his sights upon us, and gazed at us longingly while we ate pizza, this time it was me that broke, and gave him a piece. He was kind of a loser for taking off the tomato and the green olives and the jalapeños but whatever, I´ll let it slide I guess. He was after all like 11.

We then attempted to try and find an internet cafe but Quito SUCKS for the internet. Absolutely sucks. Everything we found was either closed or didn´t have headphones for skype or the headphones they had didn´t work, and considering that was the reason we needed the internet it was no good. We are working on changing our tickets and figuring out when we´re coming back and all this shit and it´s a big pile of chaos. Woo.

So we went back to the hotel and watched movies and Anton drank aguar diente. You, me and Dupree was amusing..though bad...but good in that amusing way that bad movies are.

Today we awoke and got all our shit together and left our bags at the hotel and came to the internet (about the 5th one we tried, as per usual). Now we´re trying to get everything figured out before we embark on our 30 hour bus ride to Lima.

I am SO frickin excited for Peru, Machu Picchu is going to totally kick my ass.

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