Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mas Quito, Ecuador

Man, Quito kicks some serious ass. It is a city that is basically surrounded by mountains, and there are some WILD fucking views that aren´t hard to get to at all. Plus I woke up this morning and wasn´t sick, which also ruled. Not even a little lingering sick, totally A okay.

*Noteworthy: Anton and I have discovered where all the Sacagawea coins have gone. They are all here. Every last one of them. We haven´t gotten single dollar bills for change ONCE. It´s so fucking annoying. We just keep imagining what would happen in the states if you paid for a $1 item with a 5 and got 4 fucking Sacagawea coins back. Sometimes it´s even worse, like 3 Sacajawea coins and two 50 cent pieces. Or like 2 Sacajawea coins, two 50 cent pieces, 3 quarters, and like 5 nickels. Seriously. 20 cents in change? Expect at least 4 coins. So hilarious.

So today we went up another cable car which was awesome but annoying because we had to buy express lane (shan´t stand in long line like common peasants! bufaw!) and it was $7 each instead of $4 but whatever it would have taken an additional two hours or so I figgerrrr. It was also pretty chilly up there and we had to hoof it up a little hill and the elevation here is a bit intense so I was out of breathe and feeling pathetic with our short journey. But whatever, I was sick yesterday...yes...that´s it....I´m not out of shape at all.

Here is a cool panoramic of the city:

After that we went to another hill that was slightly lower and was almost more cool because it was super cheap (just had to pay for a taxi) and you could see everything a lot clearer. There was also a museum that had some weapons and paintings and army uniforms and shit.

Then we went to a massive statue of an angel, I forgot what it´s called. It was pretty real. Here it is:

THENNN we went to see this AWESOME old church. It was really awkward because as we were walking around inside there´s like people praying and other tourists and shit but Anton´s shoes were squeaking SO FUCKING LOUD with every step and I couldn´t stop giggling and then we had to leave.

Here that is:

Then we walked and walked and walked and walked miles and miles and went to a market where we purchased souveniers for ridiculously low prices ($1 fancy pen, $2 beanies, $1.50 statue thing...etc.) At the market we also encountered the most persistant child peddling candy that we´ve ever seen. It was ridiculous. She would stand right in front of Anton as he was trying to walk and keep trying to put the candy in his hands or balance on top of his book (this went on for like 5 minutes) and then we went in this store and she waited outside, after not exiting promptly, she came inside and started poking him and handing him the candy and finally he broke. 50 cents later, we got rid of her and got some little banana chewys that are kinda like laffy taffys. Whatever.

At this other nearby market there were like 3 tattoo and piercing shops and they had a picture on the wall of someone with their fucking FINGER pierced which was gross but we were going to buy bigger guages until...until the chic pulled out the drawer of all the different sizes and it was just a clusterfuck of a million pieces and she was just digging through it with her bare hands. Mad sanitary bro? There we also saw this lady that couldn´t have been more than 4 feet tall and Anton asked to take a picture with her (She was like half his size) and she said no. It was so awkward. I just ran.

She also had no teeth.

But that´s the style here, it seems.

After all that excitement we hoofed it and hoofed it and hoofed it and are now here.

Tomorrow we´re going to go get drunk and watch FUTBOL. It´s two teams from Ecuador...should be real. I´m going to yell drunkenly in Spanish and not understand what´s going on.

That´s been just about every other day on this trip, so it should work out nicely.

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