Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More Cali

Anton made another great insight moments ago, "No one really picks their noses here (in Colombia), everywhere else they were..."  (As he picks his nose)
We are in the bus terminal in Cali waiting for our 10 o´clock bus (it is now 6:30) so we have some time to kill.  We found the worlds smallest internet cafe (it´s like a narrow hallway about 4 feet across that´s jammed with four computers) and are rocking it here.
Yesterday while walking a homeless crackhead looking lady walked by and made kissy noises at Anton and exclaimed "You are BEAUTIFUL!".  Very amusing.After the mad hoofing it we went back to the hotel and cooled off and showered again and took a sweet nap.  Then we got ready and decided to go exploring.  Anton wanted to drink and I wanted to watch and take Tramadol and it worked perfectly.  We found one dive bar that had Costeña but Brava is the better beer (brava is 5.5% and Costeña, along with Aguila, Pilsen, and Club Colombia are all 4% though FAR easier to find) so we went searching for Brava.  Before we left we tried some stand food of Empanadas which are like fat potato wedges with carne in them.  It was tasty, they had a variety of sauces and such to accompany. 
We found the next bar which wasn´t so much a bar as it was a liquor store with chairs and tables out front (they are VERY common here, I don´t even know how many different laws they´d be breaking in the states) and it had brava in cans for $1500 which is like 80 cents or so and Anton drank like 10 beers and I had like 4 waters and a soda called "Pony" that was malty and good.  We met up with a guy in a Hewlett Packard t-shirt that spoke Ok english and a few of his friends that didn´t speak English and just stared at me while Anton and HP gabbed.  It was very amusing. 
At one point the HP and one of his guys (this dumb seeming guy from Ecuador) and Anton split a bottle of Agua Diente.  After it was brought back to the table the HP guy was on the phone and Anton grabbed the bottle of liquor from the table and RAN into the street screaming and knocking over his chair and the Ecuador guy was staring all terrified thinking he wasn´t coming back and I laughed so hard I cried.There were so many people pestering us to buy crap like weird twirly light things that would be GREAT on E but worthless here and those white pipe things that hold your shampoo in the shower and roses and gum and one guy was pushing COLORED PENCILS and it was just retarded.  An old dude that was trying to sell peanuts to us didn´t respond to Anton´s replies (lies) of being allergic (he was just like oh whatever eat they good!) and then Anton tried to kiss him and the guy freaked out and tried to get away so then Anton chased him and the old guy was fucking FAST and they ran down the street and around the corner and he finally cornered the old guy and gave him kisses.  Then ran back.  Then the old guy reappeared demanding "Uno Mil" for the kisses, which he did not receive.
Another smarter guy that spoke perfect English joined a little later and kept telling me "Your boyfriend is CRAZY!" and it´s more funny because it´s like the 5th time this trip I´ve heard it.  He also asked me which asylum I picked him up in.  And it´s fuuunnnnnnyy.
We went home and I finished City of Joy (fucking Amaaaazing book) and slept till like 11:30 and it was time for the zoo!  We hoofed it the 2.5 miles or so over there (stopping at Subway on the way, the only Subway we´ve seen in Colombia) and the zoo was only $4 and SO COOL!  There were flamingo´s, bears, zebra´s, lions, a HUGE tiger that was laying right next to the glass so we were like 5 inches away from him, a bunch of turtles and birds and other furry creatures...lots and lots of was great.  One monkey was so cute and kept swinging on his rope towards the glass and slapping the glass in front of our face.  I think it was actually a mean monkey, but it was hilarious so we took it as him joking around.
We hoofed it BACK, stopping at a restaurant called, I kid you not, "Mario Bros" (same logo and characters and everything) that had an extensive list of hot dogs.  We had, what we both agreed, was the best hot dog ever.  I can´t really claim that too confidently considering I never ate a hot dog before this trip really, but Anton saying that means something.  It had Papitas (little fried potato chip thingys), swiss cheese, grilled sausage thing, ham, bacon, ketchup, mayo, some pink sauce that was good, hot sauce...and yeah.  It was retarded.
Now we´re here.  We´ll probably be arriving in Quito around 1 or 2 in the afternoon tomorrow...then it´s mountains and mad mad party till the 30 hour bus ride to Lima. 

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